Friday, January 14, 2011

Two Days in One

   Yesterday, I posted the WHW so I decided to skip my Project365 post for the day, and just combine the two for today. Last night, my wonderful Hubby gave me a bunch of beautiful roses. He knows these are my favorite flower =] This picture is also SOOC (straight out of camera) too!! I didn't edit this one at all.. Quite proud of myself.

   Today, we bought our crib mattress and got everything set up. This white blanket was a Christmas gift from my Mom. She crochets baby blankets almost non-stop and she is always giving them away to all the Moms and Babies in our church. This one will definitely be a very special one for me. The sock monkey was a Christmas gift from my sister. She knows I loved my sock monkey growing up, and she wanted to make sure our little girl had one too. Two very special gifts for our little monkey =]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sooooock monkey!!!!! Amazing!! I will totally get my future kid one of those!