Thursday, March 24, 2011


Yay! I finally finished my redo. This time I'm sticking to it.. especially since I also overhauled my Etsy to match my blog. That's enough fiddling for me! I even made a new email address specially saved for Etsy and Blog stuff, and I added a link in my navigation bar for anyone that would like to send me a message. I love getting new emails. They make me smile =D Oh and don't forget to update your buttons! My old ones will still work, but I like the purple color better ;-) Haha.

P.S. I'm also being featured tomorrow! A fellow blogger sent me a message this week and asked me if I would be willing to introduce myself to her readers. Of course I said yes! I'm so excited. I'll post the link for you guys tomorrow as soon as it's up!

1 comment:

Amber Nicole said...

YAY!! I'm excited to feature you :)
And one thing I've learned since blogging, you're never really done changing it up. I change mine up all the time! it's ridiculous, really. Haha